Feb 19, 2023Liked by Tina Beattie

D. Myerscough lives on. I have chills. I heard the stories in the eighties at Moleli mission, and met survivors of other massacres. Honestly I'm still reacting to this piece. I can't believe one of your teachers was a victim, and somehow this book found its way to you. I'm so glad I clicked on your writing in the dark.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Tina Beattie

This is beautiful and uncanny! I think you are actually doing something more than writing about Cixous. You're writing reading and writing her, if that makes sense. So glad you have the time and space to follow wherever this goes... Jennifer

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Tina Beattie

What an amazing piece of writing Tina! What a startling connection to uncover. I was riveted by it from beginning to end. It was like reading a mystery thriller. Thank you for sharing.

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Tina Beattie

A beautiful piece of writing. I know the experience well. You're going to write something. You come across a hint of something else. You are plunged into a deep and different but familiar world. You may come out of it only hours later. And it's time to go to bed.

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