Oct 7, 2023Liked by Tina Beattie

Love this

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Thank you so much Tom.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Tina Beattie

« The more we discover about the nature of silence/the silence of nature that surrounds us—the music of the birds and the whales, the whistle and burr of the insects, the rustle of grass and the rhythms of the sea, the mystical dance of the quantum cosmos that weaves us into illusions of bodies inhabiting time and space—the more we realize that all of creation is a vast primordial Word reverberating in emptiness, enfleshing meaning as it ripples outwards into the smallest fibres of our being and the most fragile whisper of life incarnate in microscopic miracles of nature.«  Yes, please. I see it, I feel it, I hear it, and I’ve got shivers.

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Thank you Catherine. This encourages me to keep writing more spontaneously and less academically! x

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Exquisite in thought, reflection, and the art of using language to give voice to the unsayable. A wonderful reflection on silence! “Language is passing, knowledge is passing, only love endures forever.”

Strange that we must first embody speech and attempt to bring to birth through language increasing consciousness. God wraps Godself in matter and desires to be known “radiant darkness” Beautiful imagery and beautiful language spills out of your pen. Thank you

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I think this is a welcome space to be, to feel and be open to the ‘wordless language’ and spirit of life. Thank you, Professor Beattie. 🍁

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